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2022 Report Closed Access
D4Science activity report 2022
Assante M., Candela L., Castelli D., Cirillo R., Coro G., Dell'Amico A., Frosini L., Lelii L., Mangiacrapa F., Pagano P., Panichi G., Piccioli T., Sinibaldi F., Zoppi F.
D4Science is an IT infrastructure specifically conceived to support the development and operation of Virtual Research Environments by the as-a-Service provisioning mode. This report documents the activities performed in 2022 to develop this infrastructure and support several projects and exploitations.Source: ISTI Technical Report, ISTI-2022-TR/037, 2022
DOI: 10.32079/isti-tr-2022/037
Project(s): ARIADNEplus via OpenAIRE, Blue Cloud via OpenAIRE, EOSC-Pillar via OpenAIRE, DESIRA via OpenAIRE, SoBigData-PlusPlus via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR ExploRA

2022 Report Open Access OPEN
InfraScience research activity report 2022
Artini M., Assante M., Atzori C., Baglioni M., Bardi A., Bove P., Candela L., Casini G., Castelli D., Cirillo R., Coro G., De Bonis M., Debole F., Dell'Amico A., Frosini L., La Bruzzo S., Lelii L., Manghi P., Mangiacrapa F., Mangione D., Mannocci A., Ottonello E., Pagano P., Panichi G., Pavone G., Piccioli T., Sinibaldi F., Straccia U., Zoppi F.
InfraScience is a research group of the National Research Council of Italy - Institute of Information Science and Technologies (CNR - ISTI) based in Pisa, Italy. This report documents the research activity performed by this group in 2022 to highlight the major results. In particular, the InfraScience group confronted with research challenges characterising Data Infrastructures, e-Science, and Intelligent Systems. The group activity is pursued by closely connecting research and development and by promoting and supporting open science. In fact, the group is leading the development of two large scale infrastructures for Open Science, i.e. D4Science and OpenAIRE. During 2022 InfraScience members contributed to the publishing of several papers, to the research and development activities of 18 research projects (15 funded by EU), to the organization of conferences and training events, to several working groups and task forces.Source: ISTI Annual reports, 2022
DOI: 10.32079/isti-ar-2022/004
Project(s): ARIADNEplus via OpenAIRE, Blue Cloud via OpenAIRE, EOSC-Pillar via OpenAIRE, DESIRA via OpenAIRE, EOSC Future via OpenAIRE, RISIS 2 via OpenAIRE, TAILOR via OpenAIRE, SoBigData-PlusPlus via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2019 Report Open Access OPEN
Final EOSC service architecture
Candela L, Castelli D., Zoppi F.
This deliverable is the second and final release of the EOSC Service Architecture. It sets the foundations characterising the EOSC System:(i) Its functionalities are provisioned as-a-Service; (ii) It is a highly distributed, evolving and heterogeneous hybrid cloud; (iii)Its operation and development is regulated by a set of Rules of Participation; (iv) It is modelled as an open and evolving System of Systems (SoS) where the component systems providing services include existing and emerging Research Infrastructures (including e-Infrastructures) and other types of Service Providers; (v) EOSC services provision is based on an open and evolving set of EOSC Nodes spread across several organisations and regions; (vi) EOSC Services should promote and support FAIRness. The deliverable identifies 47 classes of services that can be considered at this stage of development as the "Minimal Viable Product" able to match the EOSC overall goal. Such services include cross-cutting services together with services specifically envisaged to serve researchers, research administrators, third-party service providers as well as EOSC managers, service providers and service suppliers. This deliverable briefly highlights major contextual aspects already introduced in D5.1 and then describes the identified classes of services. The deliverable also discusses aspects related to "how" the system can/should be developed. The notions of "federation" and "interoperability" related to the building of this EOSC System are addressed highlighting the importance of dealing with these two concepts per-single service rather than from the perspective of EOSC as a whole.Source: Project report, EOSCpilot, Deliverable D5.4, 2019
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3258797
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3258798
Project(s): EOSCpilot via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | ZENODO Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2019 Journal article Open Access OPEN
IDEA e la conservazione dei dati epigrafici di EAGLE
Liuzzo P. M., Zoppi F. Felle A. E., Amato G.
Poche discipline possono vantare di aver digitalizzato la quasi integrità del patrimonio documentario di loro interesse come l'epigrafia latina e greca ([12];[13]). Con trent'anni di esperienza nella digitalizzazione delle iscrizioni, l'epigrafia può vantare di essere arrivata molto vicino a questo risultato, ma ha anche imparato molto sulla sostenibilità di tale impresa e sul continuo impegno che essa comporta. Nel corso del progetto EAGLE (Europeana Network for Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy, 2013-2016) è stato per esempio realizzato un modello, basato sull'affermato standard TEI/EpiDoc in grado di garantire una mappatura a CIDOC-CRM e all'EMD (Europeana Metadata Model). Questo lavoro ha reso possibile non solo lo sviluppo del portale EAGLE con le sue funzionalità fino ad allora solo auspicate dalla comunità internazionale degli epigrafisti, ma ha anche permesso di raccogliere un significativo consorzio di partner e di produrre risorse aggiuntive, come ad esempio la Virtual Exhibition "Signs of Life" che raccoglie link a progetti, 3D, infografica in una introduzione per non addetti ai lavori.Source: Umanistica Digitale 7, 2019 (2019): 1–6. doi:10.6092/issn.2532-8816/8704
DOI: 10.6092/issn.2532-8816/8704
Project(s): EAGLE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | Umanistica Digitale Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2018 Report Open Access OPEN
EOSCpilot - D2.5: Recommendations for a minimal set of Rules of Participation
Kahlem P., Jimenez R., Smith A., Lecarpentier D., Castelli D., Zoppi F.
This deliverable outlines a minimal set of Rules of Participation for Service Providers and Users in EOSC, and aims at feeding decisions within future discussions on EOSC Governance. The proposed organisational Rules of Participation for EOSC embrace the principles of openness, transparency and inclusiveness. They have been designed after deep analysis of widely accepted working practices in already established European infrastructures and organisations, and iterative consultations of EOSC Stakeholders. The deliverable presents a main Rule of Participation for all EOSC service providers, complemented by a series of 7 specific requirements which could be applied depending on the needs of each scientific field. The main rule is that "EOSC services shall be registered in an EOSC compliant or compatible service catalogue visible to the global EOSC gateway".Source: Project report, EOSCpilot, Deliverable D2.5, 2018
Project(s): EOSCpilot via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2017 Conference article Open Access OPEN
Coping with interoperability in cultural heritage data infrastructures: the Europeana network of Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy
Amato G., Mannocci A., Vadicamo L., Zoppi F.
One of the main motivations of the project EAGLE (Europeana network of Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy, a Best Practice Network partially funded by the European Commission) is to restore some unity of our past by collecting in a single repository information about the thousands of inscriptions now scattered across all Europe. The collected information is ingested in Europeana and it is made available to the scholarly community and to the general public, for research and cultural dissemination, through a user-friendly portal supporting advanced query and search capabilities. In addition to the traditional search options (full-text search a la Google, fielded search, faceted search and filtering), the EAGLE portal supports two applications intended to make the fruition of the epigraphic material easier and more useful: the EAGLE Flagship Mobile Application and the Story Telling Application. Along the same lines, in order to make the epigraphic material more interesting and usable also by non-epigraphists, EAGLE, in collaboration with the Italian chapter of the Wikimedia Foundation, is leading an effort for the enrichment of the epigraphic images and text with additional information and translations into modern languages. During the whole project life frame, the maintainability and sustainability issues have been constantly considered from both the technical and the scientific point of view. This poster gives some insights of the overall infrastructure.Source: AIUCD 2017- Il telescopio inverso: big data e distant reading nelle discipline umanistiche, pp. 211–215, Rome, Italy, 24-28 January 2017
Project(s): EAGLE

See at: aiucd2017.aiucd.it Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2017 Report Restricted
OpenAIRE - D4.1 OpenAIREdata model extension
Manghi P., Atzori C., Bardi A., Baglioni M., Zoppi F.
The aim of this deliverable is to describe how the OpenAIRE data model is extended for the representation of artefacts different from publications and datasets. In particular, OpenAIRE-Connect extends the OpenAIRE data model with: (i) entities for there presentation of research communities, research methods and research packages; (ii) relationships between those new entities and the already existing OpenAIRE entities; (iii) new controlled vocabularies for properties of research methods and packages; and(iv) new termstobeaddedtocontrolledvocabulariesalreadyinusebytheOpenAIREinfrastructure. Requirements have been collected from the research communities involved in OpenAIRE-Connect, which helpedthedefinitionofthemodelextensionsbyspecifyingtheircurrentpracticeanddesiderataaboutthe publishingofresearchartefactsintheirspecificdiscipline.Inadditiontotherequirementsoftheresearch communities, requirements and expectations from the existing "consumers" of the OpenAIRE infrastructure, including data sources (providing content to OpenAIRE), portal end-users of various roles (researchers, project coordinators, general public, research communities), OpenAIRE data curators (responsibleoftheworkflowsforcollecting,harmonizing,de-duplicating,inferringcontent),andthird-party services(accessing content via APIs), have been considered. The data model will be subject to changes in the future, depending on the evolution of the requirements of the OpenAIRE infrastructure and of the communities involved in OpenAIRE-Connect.Source: Project report, OpenAIRE, Deliverable D4.1, 2017
Project(s): OpenAIRE-Connect via OpenAIRE

See at: support.d4science.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2016 Journal article Open Access OPEN
EAGLE - L'infrastruttura di aggregazione dei dati e i servizi a supporto del portale e delle applicazioni
Mannocci A., Casarosa V., Manghi P., Zoppi F.
La lunga tradizione epigrafica, risalente al secolo XVI, epoca ben lontana dai concetti di globalizzazione, standardizzazione e interoperabilità, ha fatto sì che nel tempo si sedimentassero, nelle varie comunità di studiosi, modus operandi spesso contrastanti. All'inizio degli anni '30 il Sistema di Leida (B. a. Van GroninGen, "Projet d'unification des systèmes de signes critiques", in Chronique d'Égypte 7, 1932, pp. 262-269) ha contribuito a ridurre notevolmente la frammentazione presente nei testi, ma una nuova deriva si è verificata dagli anni 90 in poi quando, con l'arrivo di Internet e del Web, gli archivi epigrafici hanno iniziato la loro conversione al digitale. Nonostante la definizione di uno standard per l'annotazione di documenti a carattere epigrafico (EpiDoc: http://sourceforge.net/p/epidoc/wiki/Home/) le comunità hanno per lo più operato in modo indipendente e senza nessuna linea guida condivisa, lasciando di fatto il panorama altamente frammentario. Il progetto EAGLE mira proprio a riconciliare e riunificare sotto un'unica egida le varie comunità epigrafiche e rendere i loro contenuti ricercabili da un unico punto di accesso, e a questo scopo ha sviluppato un'infrastruttura che consente l'aggregazione di tali contenuti e la loro armonizzazione secondo un modello di dati condiviso, e permette infine di interrogare i dati sia attraverso il proprio portale che attraverso Europeana.Source: Forma urbis XXI (2016): 18–21.
Project(s): EAGLE

See at: www.formavrbis.com Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2016 Report Open Access OPEN
BlueBRIDGE - BlueBRIDGE data management plan: preliminary version
Candela L., Castelli D., Pagano P., Zoppi F.
This deliverable documents the BlueBRIDGE data management strategy. This strategy will be developed by producing three successive versions of this deliverable: a preliminary version at M6, an intermediate version at M18, a final version at M27. This preliminary version contains an initial description of the data collected, processed or generated by the project, the standards and metadata used for them, and an initial plan on how sharing, archiving and preservation of this data will be guaranteed. Roughly 40 datasets have been identified and described. Some of these datasets are actually abstract / meta datasets, i.e. they represent a class of dataset that will manifest in a number of concrete datasets sharing certain needs and characteristics.Source: Project report, BlueBRIDGE, Deliverable D2.1, 2016
Project(s): BlueBRIDGE via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2016 Report Open Access OPEN
RDA Europe - Planning and activities report
Thanos C., Zoppi F.
This WP4 Planning and Activities Report describes the actions that are intended within WP4 in the coming 12 months to engage with the practitioners and to organize uptake. It is the second report of this type describing what has been done and what is being planned.Source: Project report, RDA Europa, Deliverable D4.6, 2016
Project(s): RDA Europe via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2016 Report Open Access OPEN
RDA Europe - Planning and activities report 3
Thanos C., Zoppi F.
This WP4 Planning and Activities Report describes the actions that are intended within WP4 in the coming 12 months to engage with the practitioners and to organize uptake. It is the second report of this type describing what has been done and what is being planned.Source: Project report, RDA Europa, Deliverable D4.7, 2016
Project(s): RDA Europe via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2015 Report Open Access OPEN
EAGLE - Second Release of AIM Infrastructure (version 1.0)
Zoppi F., Amato G., Bolettieri P., Falchi F., Manghi P., Mannocci A., Casarosa V.
This document describes the final implementation (Release 2) of the EAGLE Aggregation and Image Retrieval system (AIM) Infrastructure in terms of: . Current implementation against the specification given in "D4.1 AIM Infrastructure Specification" (Section 1). . Details about the Metadata Aggregation System (Section 2). . Details about the Image Retrieval System (Section 3). . HW & SW requirements of the AIM (Appendix A). . Sample of the Content Checker Curation Tool (Appendix B). . Image Recognition and Similarity Search API (Appendix C). This document being just a Release Note produced as accompanying document of the AIM infrastructure software (D4.2.2, deliverable of type "Product"), please refer to the released document "D4.1 AIM Infrastructure Specification" for details about the full featured AIM Infrastructure.Source: Project report, EAGLE, Deliverable D4.2.2, pp.1–29, 2015
Project(s): EAGLE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2015 Report Open Access OPEN
Quality Plan
Candela L., Castelli D., Michel Assoumou J., Pagano P., Zoppi F.
Quality Assurance is an important task within the scope of any IT project. The implementation of such activity is usually defined through a Quality Plan. This deliverable is the BlueBRIDGE Quality Plan. The objective of this deliverable is to provide the consortium with a practical guide for collaboration within the BlueBRIDGE project. The resulting Quality Plan covers many activities by gathering procedures from the varied managerial and technological aspects of the project. The ultimate objective of this Quality Plan is to ensure the production of concrete and high-quality results in line with the project plans.Source: Project report, BlueBRIDGE, Deliverable D1.1, 2015

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2015 Contribution to book Open Access OPEN
The EAGLE Europeana network of Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy: a technical perspective
Mannocci A., Casarosa V., Manghi P., Zoppi F.
The project EAGLE (Europeana network of Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy, a Best Practice Network partially funded by the European Commission) aims at aggregating epigraphic material provided by some 15 different epigraphic archives (about 80% of the classified epigraphic material from the Mediterranean area) for ingestion to Europeana. The collected material will be made available also to the scholarly community and to the general public, for research and cultural dissemination. This paper briefly presents the main services provided by EAGLE and the challenges encountered for the aggregation of material coming from heterogeneous archives (different data models and metadata schemas, and exchange formats). EAGLE has defined a common data model for epigraphic information, into which data models from different archives can be optimally mapped. The data infrastructure is based on the D-NET software toolkit, capable of dealing with data collection, mapping, cleaning, indexing, and access provisioning through web portals or standard access protocols.Source: Digital Libraries on the Move 11th Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries, IRCDL 2015, Bolzano, Italy, January 29-30, 2015, Revised Selected Papers, edited by Diego Calvanese, Dario De Nart, Carlo Tasso, pp. 75–78, 2015
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-41938-1_8
Project(s): EAGLE

See at: link.springer.com Open Access | doi.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2015 Conference article Unknown
The EAGLE data aggregator: data quality monitoring
Mannocci A., Casarosa V., Manghi P., Zoppi F.
The EAGLE project aggregates epigraphy related content from about 20 different data providers, and makes its content available to both Europeana and to scholars. Data Quality monitoring is a key issue in Aggregative Data Infrastructures, where content is collected from a number of different sources with different data models and quality standards. This paper presents a Monitoring Framework for enabling the observation and monitoring of an aggregative infrastructure focusing on the description of the Data Flow and Dynamics Service, and exemplifying these concepts with a use case tailored to the characteristics of the EAGLE aggregation data flow. An Infrastructure Quality Manager (IQM) is provided with a Web user interface (WebUI), allowing her to describe the data flows taking place in the infrastructure and to define monitoring scenarios. The scenarios will include the definition of sensors (pieces of software plugged into the data flow), which will provide observations of measured objects. The scenarios include also the definition of controls and analysers, which will store and process the observations received from the sensors and will verify if the values of the measured features comply with some expected behaviour over time. A monitoring scenario for EAGLE has been defined and tested on simulated data (the monitoring framework is still under development) in order to monitor the "health" of different data collections involved in the EAGLE collection and transformation workflows.Source: 7th EAGLE International Conference, Roma, Italy, 27-29 Gennaio 2016
Project(s): EAGLE

See at: CNR ExploRA

2015 Report Open Access OPEN
BlueBRIDGE - Quality plan
Candela L., Castelli D., Michel Assoumou J., Pagano P., Zoppi F.
The objective of deliverable D1.1 is to document the Quality Plan established for the BlueBRIDGE project. This plan focuses on several activities of the project to ensure the achievement of concrete and efficient results.Source: Project report, BlueBRIDGE, Deliverable D1.1, 2015
Project(s): BlueBRIDGE via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2014 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Coping with interoperability and sustainability in cultural heritage aggregative data infrastructures
Bardi A., Manghi P., Zoppi F.
The Cultural Heritage (CH) community is one of the most active in the realisation of Aggregative Data Infrastructures (ADIs). ADIs provide tools to integrate data sources to form uniform and richer information spaces. The realisation of ADIs for CH must be based on technology capable of coping with complex interoperability issues and sustainability issues. In this paper, we present the D-NET software toolkit framework and services, devised for the realisation of sustainable and customisable ADIs. In particular, we demonstrate the effectiveness of D-NET in the CH scenario by describing its usage in the realisation of a real-case ADI for the EC project Heritage of the People's Europe (HOPE). The HOPE ADI uses D-NET to implement a two-phase metadata conversion methodology that addresses data interoperability issues while facilitating sustainability by encouraging participation of data sources.Source: International journal of metadata, semantics and ontologies (Print) 9 (2014): 138–154. doi:10.1504/IJMSO.2014.060341
DOI: 10.1504/ijmso.2014.060341

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | OpenAIRE Open Access | International Journal of Metadata Semantics and Ontologies Restricted | www.inderscience.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2014 Report Open Access OPEN
EAGLE - First Release of AIM Infrastructure (version 1.0)
Amato G., Bolettieri P., Falchi F., Manghi P., Mannocci A., Zoppi F.
This document describes the current implementation (Release 1) of the EAGLE Aggregation and Image Retrieval system (AIM) Infrastructure in terms of: . Current implementation against the specification given in "D4.1 AIM Infrastructure Specification" (Section 1). . Details about the Metadata Aggregation System (Section 2). . Details about the Image Retrieval System (Section 3). . HW & SW requirements of the AIM (Section 4). For details about the full featured AIM Infrastructure, please refer to the released document "D4.1 AIM Infrastructure Specification".Source: Project report, EAGLE, Deliverable D4.2.1, 2014
Project(s): EAGLE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2014 Report Open Access OPEN
EAGLE - EAGLE metadata model specification (version 1.0)
Sicilia M., Gomez-Pantoja J., Fuentes M. J. R., Ruiz E. R., Mannocci A., Manghi P., Zoppi F.
The main goal of the the EAGLE project is to aggregate into the EAGLE portal data from the EAGLE partners who have epigraphic data bases (the so called Content Providers), and then ingest these data into Europeana. The purpose of this document is to define a common data model to which all the Content Providers can map their own data sets so that all the collected material can be managed in a uniform an coherent way, both for ingestion to Europeana and for supporting advanced search functionality over the aggregated data.Source: Project report, EAGLE, Deliverable D3.1, 2014
Project(s): EAGLE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2014 Contribution to book Restricted
The heritage of the People's Europe Project: an aggregative data infrastructure for cultural heritage
Artini M., Atzori C., Bardi A., La Bruzzo S., Manghi P., Mikulicic M., Zoppi F.
HOPE (Heritage of the People's Europe) is a "Best Practice Network" for archives, libraries, museums and institutions operating in the fields of social and union history. The project provides unified access to materials about the European social and labour history from the 18th to 21st centuries. HOPE proposes guidelines and tools for the management, aggregation, harmonisation, curation and provision of digital Cultural Heritage (CH) metadata and digital objects. Moreover, it offers to institutions joining the HOPE network an operational Aggregative Data Infrastructure (ADI) for the collection, aggregation and access of metadata records from CH content providers. The HOPE ADI is realized using and extending the D-NET Software Toolkit, an enabling framework for data infrastructures.Source: Bridging Between Cultural Heritage Institution, edited by Tiziana Catarci, Nicola Ferro, Antonella Poggi, pp. 77–80. London: Springer, 2014
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-54347-0_9
Project(s): HOPE

See at: doi.org Restricted | link.springer.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA